
in search of the black and white 
in a world of shades of grey


"At a time of universal deceit, 

telling the truth 
is a revolutionary act."

  George Orwell

This page will feature news and current events with commentary from the author.

There will be sections devoted to various areas.

There will also be a comprehensive list of links to sources on the various subjects.

The goal of the page was to provide access to NON MAINSTREAM SOURCES for news and commentary.

I don't necessarily share the views of these alternative sources, but insist that they have the right to be heard.

Anyone can turn on CNN "The Ministry of Fear" as we called it at work.

The fact of the matter is that the majority of the world's media is in the hands of just a small handful of companies who control vast empires including
  • Television and Radio networks,
  • Newspaper and Magazine empires,
  • Movie and television Studios,
  • Cable providers,
  • video rental outlets,
  • book publishers,
  • theme parks,
  • record labels,
  • Home electronics manufacturers,
  • internet service providers,
  • search engines,
  • video game producers,
  • toy companies,
  • and more.

All of this varied ownership under one corporate banner.
You get the news that they want you to have, and very little else.  News from other sources is marginalized, ridiculed, attacked, or even worse ignored.  Anybody who cannot see the potential for various hands washing each other, is either blind, or just refuses to look.

This is not to say that these corporations are evil. Hundreds of thousands of honest, hard-working, well-meaning people are employed by these firms, and do very good work, providing important services.

What I am saying is that there is  enormous potential for wrong-doing as a worst case scenario.

I am not accusing the owners of any complicity, or foul play, What I am saying is that if they were guilty of such, their power over what you see and hear could prevent that knowledge from ever seeing the light of day.

Some of these corporations own competing outlets, that can challenge each other's stories or editorial slant. The impression is given of 'freedom of the press'.
In reality, both competing networks can focus on different sides of the same story, creating controversy and increasing market share.

The fact is that both can also ignore another story that may be more important, and that story will be missed by the general public. This type of charge has been made by more than one environmental group in the past, and the story has been subsequently ignored.

There are several radio markets in North America that are served by several stations all owned by the same corporation. Market share is divided into segments or focus audiences. The impression of competition is present, but in reality the corporation has complete saturation of the market.

This type of thing shows up in the Same-Sex marriage debate in Canada. This issue is so minor and petty to the vast majority of heterosexual Candian voters. It would be a non-issue except for the fact that certain media have grasped on to the story with both hands, and whipped it up into a frenzy, all out of proportion to its real importance. Because of this, the politicians have been drawn into a long debate over the issue, when there are many more serious issues at hand.

Suddenly, brother is turned against brother, and caucuses are divided. A very small percentage of Canadians have held the business of the country hostage.

Examined in the media microscope, this issue certainly has wide-reaching scope and impact regarding the charter of rights, and opens a pandora's box of questions. However, beyond these implications, it is still a small special interest group, usurping the time of our elected representatives, who should be concentrating on the more pressing issues of health care, daycare and economy. These are issues that affect all Canadians immediately.

I don't deny the right to a forum for this special interest group, but I do object to the way the media has put this minority issue front and centre, while paying minor lip service to the real and pressing majority issues.

Certainly, when the project is up and running, this is one issue I will be tackling in a special report, and even I might be surprised at my own take on the issue.

At first glance, one might have a gut reaction, but when one examines the minutiae, one may be forced to accept a different viewpoint. After decades of legislating conscience out of government, and public institutions, we have seemingly come full circle to the point where we find ourselves legislating conscience back into the same institutions. The definitions are muddied by spin doctors, until it is hard to know which way is up.

I apologize for the digression, but these digressions are what make WOLF WATCH so compelling. I am often accused by friends and co-workers of dancing to a different drummer, to which I reply, ....
"I am the different drummer, dancing to the music that wells up from within. Listen to the drums, stand back and watch the dance, join in, or get out of the way. I will not be held responsible for any injuries to bystanders by flailing arms, or high stepping heels."

This was a project that I had worked on in the past
on a different host.
At the time I was doing a weekly update, but job and family
pressures forced me to drop it.
In its new incarnation, I hope to do at least a monthly update.

Until the new page is up and running,
I will link you to the - old version - which is more than 3 years old.
Many of the story links are no longer there, but it is just an illustration.

I have put some examples of the menus below,
so you know what to expect when it is up and running.

Internal Links
- HOME -
- PHENOMENON: Migrations of Love -
External Links


Wolf Watch is a categorized list of links to stories and commentaries on the

things that are happening around us.
I have provided it as a springboard for your search for
truth and meaning in the hustle and bustle
and labyrinth of today's world.
Use this tool to dig behind the headlines.
Not all opinions found at the sites within are shared by me.
If you find things that you don't like, or don't want to see,
then don't look at them.
My goal is to facilitate access.
I cannot and will not tell you what to think, 
although there are places within these pages
that I will venture an opinion.
You can agree or disagree with me, 
but the important thing is that you
take time out from the race and think.
I have my own thinking to do,
I'm not about to do yours for you.

Here is a sample of the last WEEKLY UPDATE entry page
Dec.12, 2001
(I have disabled some of the links)
This was a mere 3 months after 911 so the topics reflect that time.


 Top Seven Stories
 All Things Must Pass 
 George Harrison
 Lord of the Rings
-  ALSO  -
  In Afghanistan
 Terror Targets
 Homeland Security
 Media Watch
 Conspiracy Theory
 People Behind the Scenes
 Not Quite the News



 Science News
 Space News
 Nuclear Threat
 Virus Alert!
 God Bless America?
 The Dark Side etc.


 The U.N.
 New World Order
  Middle East
 Conspiracy Theories

The Top Seven Stories on Dec 12, 2001 were as follows....

1.  Search for Bin Laden and Beyond
2.  Middle East Crisis- Crunch time for Arafat?
3. Canada's Anti-terrorist Legislation and Other Canadian News
4 .  Cloning- Can they do it? Should they?
5 .  A New Kind of War? War on words and ideas
6 .  China Joins W.T.O.
7 .  Space Shuttle and The International Space Station


Iraq hadn't happened yet. The focus was still on Afghanistan and Bin Laden.
Arafat was still alive. Homeland Security was big news in Canada.
Religion was a huge topic, especially Islam.
China joined the World Trade Organisation,
and the Columbia Space Shuttle disaster had not happened yet.


If I were to assemble a top seven list today Feb. 12, 2005, what would be on it?

1. Tsunami aftermath and relief efforts.
2. Iraq would have to be there, and likely for the last few years.
3. The recent ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.
4. The same-sex marriage debate in Canada.
5. The breakdown in labour talks in the NHL, and its implications.
6. This weeks recall of Adderal XR by Health Canada, and related ADHD stories.

7.  Perhaps the "Sponsorship Scandal" in Canada

Perhaps the recent elections in Iraq, and Saudi Arabia, as they relate to elections worldwide.
This illusion of freedom is also brought into counterpoint by
discussions in Germany about banning the extreme right wing NPD party.

If WOLF WATCH had been up and running in the last few months
there would likely have been special reports on some of the following......

Flag waving and Demi-gods :
American Jingoism at the Super Bowl pregame show,
instead of preserving, how it actually hurts the American Dream.

Johnny Carson: The passing of a television icon.

Dresden: 60 Years after Schlacthaus Funf - What have we learned in 50 years?

Here is a sample of one of the menus from the old site
to give you an indication of the type of material you would find.
(NOTE: All of these links are over 3 years old)

 Elsewhere on
 - Media watch - Breaking Stories - Media Watchdogs - International News Sources -
- Prophecy - Alternate News, Rumour and Conspiracy - Science Background - Government
- Humour - History - Geography - Recent emails - Archives - Mission Statement